Self-published books are eligible if they have gone through a formal, independent editing process, have an ISBN, and are available for purchase in Canadian bookstores.
Titles must be published between January 1, 2025-December 31, 2025.
Entry fee of $25.00 is payable by cheque to VMI or by etransfer to info AT Etransfer and all payments MUST INCLUDE a note specifying title/author’s name. The entrance fee partially covers postage, fees for judges, and administration.
Submit one hard copy AND one digital copy.
Hard copy: Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 3489 West 43rd Avenue Vancouver BC V6N 3J6
Submissions must be postmarked between November 1, 2025 — December 1, 2025. Our submission manager cannot accept manuscripts outside those dates. We encourage minimal, eco-friendly, and/or recycled packaging.
We accept one manuscript per author per year.
Submitted copies will be donated to writing programs in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
We are unable to refund submission fees. Please ensure your book is eligible and meets all criteria.
In years without a suitable candidate the prize will not be awarded. If a conflict of interest is identified that title may be resubmitted the following year.